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공지 [산학연 특강] 2024-2학기 일정 및 주제 안내 (*10월 1일 임시공휴일에 따른 일정 변동사항 반영) 신소재공학부 234 2024-09-10 파일명 : 2024-2 Fall Semester 산학연특강 포스터.jpg
공지 Colloquium Schedule(2024 Fall Semester) 신소재공학부 292 2024-08-22 파일명 : 2024-2 Fall Semester 콜로키움 포스터.jpg
315 colloquim) In-Situ Forming, Bioactive Hydrogels for Therapeutic Applications 전체관리자 1 2017-03-23  
314 seminar) Radical Polymer Batteries: Towards High-power, Safe and Flexible Devices 전체관리자 0 2017-03-20  
313 seminar) Living Anionic Polymerization of 1,4-Divinylbenzene and Its Derivatives 전체관리자 2 2017-03-16  
312 colloquim) Technological Applications Arising from the Interactions of DNA Bases with Metal Ions 전체관리자 0 2017-03-09  
311 seminar) Toward the Future of Energy Storage; chalcogen-carbon nanocomposites and multimaterial fibers 전체관리자 0 2017-03-02  
310 seminar) Synthesis and Application of Platinum-Based Nanocatalysts 전체관리자 3 2017-02-28  
309 seminar) Therapeutic Applications of Protein Bioconjugation 전체관리자 1 2017-02-23  
308 seminar) Organolead halide perovskite resistive switching memories with low switching voltages and operability under extremely low bending radii 전체관리자 2 2017-02-21  
307 seminar) Chitin Nanofibers: Renewable Building-blocks for Functional/Structural Materials 전체관리자 8 2017-02-09  
306 seminar) Low-dimensional Materials for Efficient and Sustainable Next Generation Batteries 전체관리자 9 2017-02-09