공지 |
[산학연 특강] 2024-2학기 일정 및 주제 안내 (*10월 1일 임시공휴일에 따른 일정 변동사항 반영)
신소재공학부 |
348 |
2024-09-10 |
공지 |
Colloquium Schedule(2024 Fall Semester)
신소재공학부 |
420 |
2024-08-22 |
355 |
Colloquium) Developing high performance conjugated materials for solar cell and transistor applications
전체관리자 |
14 |
2018-03-22 |
354 |
산학연 특강) Molecular Design & Synthesis of conjugated materials
전체관리자 |
11 |
2018-03-21 |
353 |
Seminar) Deep Tissue-Penetrating Optical Nanosensors of Biological Activity: Target-oriented and Diversity-oriented Approaches
전체관리자 |
5 |
2018-03-15 |
352 |
Seminar) Unconventional manufacturing processes and materials for high-performance mechanical transducer platforms
전체관리자 |
3 |
2018-02-22 |
351 |
Seminar) Syntheses of star and bottlebrush polymers towards Janus nanoobjects
전체관리자 |
2 |
2018-02-09 |
350 |
Seminar) Electronic Materials for Triboelectric and Wearable Electronics
전체관리자 |
3 |
2018-01-29 |
349 |
Seminar) Metal oxide nanowires grown by electron-beam decomposition and its application (especially focused on indium-tin-oxide nanowires)
전체관리자 |
5 |
2018-01-25 |
348 |
Seminar) Tough hydrogels and elastomeric nanomaterials for stretchable bioelectronics and for electrochemical energy storage devices
전체관리자 |
5 |
2018-01-16 |
347 |
Seminar) Atomically-precise graphene etch masks for 3D integrated systems from 2D material heterostructures
전체관리자 |
10 |
2018-01-08 |
346 |
Seminar) DNA nanostructures: from design to application
전체관리자 |
12 |
2018-01-05 |